Dr. Jim Harris

20 Languages 100+ Million People 2 Years

Read The Book

The Lord instructed me to translate “Our Unfair Advantage: Unleash the Power of Holy Spirit” into the Top 20 languages spoken in the world. He also instructed me to give it away for FREE – to sow this book seed to anyone who wants a copy. Below you can download a FREE DIGITAL PDF COPY in your preferred language. Some translations offer you the choice of purchasing a paperback or eBook version as well.

Partner with Us

The Translation Project is just the beginning. Now we are laser focused on promoting these books around the world through on-line teachings, executive advising, and global travel as the Lord leads us.

We are also believing for a fully equipped and staffed studio so we can produce far more high quality teaching, training and transformational content.

We need your help to fund this world-changing assignment. Sow your seed into helping business people around the world unleash their unfair advantage for the glory of God.